
目前顯示的是 2015的文章


技術與經濟推荐好書 偉大城市的誕生與衰亡-美國都市街道生活的啟發 the death and life of great american cites 有閒階級論 the theory of the leisure class: an economic study of institutions 基督新教倫理與資本主義精神 the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism 亞常斯論教育 the education of henry adams 就業、利息和貨幣的一般理論 the general theory of employment, interest and money 通往奴役之路 the road to serfdom 消費函數理論 the theory of the consumption function 富裕社會 the affluent society 超級高速公路-超級惡作劇 superhighway- super hoax 小即是美 small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered 整個網際網路:使用者指南與目錄 the whole internet;user's guide & catalog

課程 / Line@生活圈

普及各年齡層,只要有智能手機的人幾乎都會用line,即使是不會電腦,不會FB的中高齡層。 群發對象無限制,好友名單限5000人 官方帳號好友可綁貼圖,Line@帳號沒有這個功能 手機版有一對一聊天的功能,電腦版沒有,但是可以使用app模擬器。 讓人知道,可用個人line帳號發送加好友連結 好友名稱可編輯(同skype) 主頁如同FB塗鴉牆,打擾程度低,被分享機會高,想看文的人就要加入好友。 常見問題可採用自動回覆功能,自動回覆與人工回覆無法同時進行。但人工回覆目前無法使用電腦版 可將line@成功案例加入好友,標竿學習 輕鬆學會如何操作LINE@: http://at-blog.line.me/tw/archives/23810069.html 看看其他商家的成功案例:http://at-blog.line.me/tw/archives/cat_544206.html 說明會簡報檔:http://www.slideshare.net/LINEATTWN/line-49297634 操作手冊簡報檔:http://www.slideshare.net/LINEATTWN/line-49167282

社會企業 書單

Top 30 Social Entrepeneurship Reads for Aspiring Changemakers Submitted by: Tsega Belachew on 06/05/13 Editor's Note: This article was written by Janita Chalam, a summer associate with Ashoka and edited by Tsega Belachew.  The  Ashoka Future Forum  witnessed many innovators who shared their groundbreaking, future-focused ideas and solutions for the world's most pressing challenges. Below is a list of books written by such innovators; Ashoka Fellows, social entrepreneurs and experts some of whom were featured at the forum: 1 .  Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation Throughout the World   by Beverly Schwartz Schwartz provides a five point paradigm of social entrepreneurship that will allow any individual to become an innovative changemaker while sharing stories of ground-breaking innovators. 2.  The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum   by Ashoka Fellow  Temple Grandin Grandin believes that the autistic individual has the power to mak

書摘 / 設計力創新

設計力創新 Design-Driven Innovation: changing the rules of competition by radically innovating what things mean 作者: 羅伯托.維甘提 原文作者:Roberto Verganti 譯者:呂奕欣 出版社:馬可孛羅